Implementation Workshop of the marketing monitoring protocol
Hybrid meeting and in-person in Lisbon (Portugal)
19th and 20th June 2021
Meeting location:
Fundação Cidade Lisboa
Rua Campo Grande 380
1700-097 Lisboa
110-006 Lisboa, Portugal
JA Best-ReMaP Work Package 6.4 (DoH Ireland, The Open University/UCC)
Description of the event:
Best ReMaP WP6.4 developed an EU-wide coordinated and comprehensive monitoring protocol for measuring unhealthy food marketing to children.
This workshop will provide hands-on guidance on the implementation of these protocols in MSs and will share learnings from our piloting programme. In addition, we will explore what support MSs would need to be able to successfully implement the monitoring programme.
Objective of the meeting:
During this workshop you will learn:
- What is the EU-WHO monitoring protocol (the scope and structure)
- How to design monitoring activities based on available resources
- Step-by-step guidance on how to use available protocols
- What were the challenges and facilitators to implementation identified in our piloting programme
In addition, we would like to explore with our participants what support they would need to be able to implement a regular, coordinated and comprehensive monitoring programme after the completion of the Best-ReMaP JA.

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