The Joint Action Best-ReMaP’s final Policy dialogue
25 May 2023 Brussels
Meeting location:
Permanent Representation of Slovenia to the European Union, Boulevard du Régent 45, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
In this event, EU-level policy makers and other relevant stakeholders met and discussed with the Member States involved in the Joint Action BestReMaP, aiming at transfering the outcomes of the core work packages on food reformulation, food marketing and public food procurement, into the national and EU policies and legislation, ensuring the sustainability of the JA BestReMaP results.

The Best-ReMaP project’s policy dialogue, organized by the National Institute for Public Health, Slovenia, took place at the prestigious Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels.
This remarkable event served as a platform for national decision-makers, policy experts, nutrition experts, project members and other interest groups to come together and discuss the vital implementation of the Best-ReMaP project’s main findings. Topics such as food reformulation, marketing regulations, and public procurement are being explored, with the ultimate goal of integrating these insights into national and EU policies.
We firmly believe that by uniting our efforts, we can pave the way towards sustainable change and ensure the long-term success of the Best-ReMaP project.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work together towards a healthier and brighter future for all.

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