Best-ReMaP Joint Action Conference:
From Evidence to Action
Shaping the Future of Health and Nutrition in Europe
Paris, 18. September 2023 — The Best-ReMaP Joint Action on implementation of validated best practices in nutrition (Reformulation, Marketing and Public Procurement) Conference took place at the prestigious Ministry of Solidarity and Health in Paris, France.
The full-day conference is followed by General Assembly meetings from 19-20 September, during which project partners will discuss and analyze project findings at thematic workshops, and the 3-day event will be concluded by a Steering Committee Meeting.
The first day’s agenda featured keynote speeches, presentations, and panel discussions on topics such as food monitoring, reducing unhealthy food marketing to children, sustainable food procurement, social inequalities in children’s health, and future strategic orientations. The event also included the launch of the FABLE tool for food offer monitoring by JRC, insights from WHO and OECD, and a presentation on the new Joint Action on non-communicable diseases.
The European Commission’s newest tool, the Food And Beverages Labels Explorer – or FABLE was officially launched during the conference. It is a web-based nutrition information tool provided by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre. As well as the Best-ReMaP data, it also hosts data from previous EU projects, like Euremo and JANPA. FABLE gives Europe’s citizens and organisations the chance to
- monitor the nutritional quality of the food offer, which can
- incentivise reformulation efforts and lead to an improved food offer, thereby
- making healthier choices more available to consumers.
The conference aimed to foster informed policy-making by bringing together leading experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to address critical issues related to health, nutrition and childhood obesity in Europe.
For more information about the conference and the full agenda, please visit the official conference website:
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