Exploring the Integration of a 'Food System Sustainability Scoreboard' into the European Semester
Brussels, Belgium – September 22, 2023
Best-ReMaP nutrition experts, researchers, policy-makers, and representatives from EU institutions and Member States convened in Brussels to discuss the integration of a ‘Food System Sustainability Scoreboard (FSSS)’ into the European Semester, a key tool for coordinating social and economic policies, reforms, and investments within the European Union (EU).
Background and Context: Food systems play a pivotal role in European society, impacting health, social equity, and the environment. They influence population nutritional health, contribute to non-communicable diseases, and affect economic and commercial inequalities. Moreover, food systems contribute significantly to environmental issues, including pollution, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, and food waste.
While the EU has initiated policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the ‘Farm to Fork strategy’ to address food system challenges, there remains a need for comprehensive monitoring and sustainability indicators.
Objective: The workshop, organized as part of the Joint Action Best-ReMaP project, aims to define what a Food System Sustainability Scoreboard should encompass and explore how it can be integrated into the European Semester. It addresses two main questions:
- The ‘what’ – Discussion on the scientific aspects of the FSSS, including the tools available, uniform data collection, and practical framing of a systemic index.
- The ‘how’ – Examination of the policy and advocacy perspective, focusing on embedding the FSSS into the European Semester and ensuring cooperation between EU-level and Member State actors.
- Session 1: The ‘what’ session – Discussion on the scientific aspects of the FSSS, including existing indexes, needed indicators, and challenges in data uniformity.
- Session 2: The ‘how’ session – Examination of how to embed the FSSS into the EU Semester from a policy perspective, including challenges and opportunities at both EU and Member State levels.
The workshop serves as a platform for dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders committed to sustainable food systems and healthier societies.
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