Children's health at the centre:
hidden influences in environments
- a meeting of key stakeholders in marketing of food and drink to children
Stakeholder forum in Croatia
September 12. 2022. Zagreb
Background and Objective
To facilitate the adaptation of the Harmonized Nutrient Profile Model (NPM) to the national context, an intersectoral working group was established. One of the group’s key objectives, involving the customization of the NPM to align with national requirements, was undertaken by the national expert-scientific commission. For the NPM to become an officially recognized national document, it necessitates the acceptance of all stakeholders. As part of the Best-ReMaP Joint Action, a stakeholder event was organized to foster a better understanding among experts and to advocate for the implementation of these regulations into practical action.
The main aim of these initiatives was to provide a comprehensive overview of both national and international efforts to restrict food marketing to children. The ultimate goal is to create environments that actively encourage healthy dietary choices and help prevent obesity. By sharing insights and experiences from both domestic and global perspectives, these efforts aim to advance a shared understanding of effective strategies for promoting healthier habits among children.
- Children’s health is a priority, and the continuation of multisectoral cooperation is encouraged to create an environment that facilitates healthy food choices and the prevention of obesity in children.
- The dialogue with industry and publishers will continue. Industry representatives will submit their review of national NPM. The expert-scientific committee that adapted the NPM for the national context will consider the submitted review and present its opinion on it.
- Joint action will be initiated to create a national campaign that will spread positive health messages as well as contribute to raising awareness and creating an environment where healthy choices are the easiest choices.
- Food and beverage advertising aimed at children is not limited to stakeholders subject to the Electronic Media Act. It is a broader term that encompasses a wider context and multiple environments and should be viewed as such, and the implementation of a pilot study at the national level is recommended.
- The number of involved stakeholders will be expanded – education professionals, psychologists, parents.

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