Challenges and trends in the food area, present and to come
Annual meeting in the Danish Food Partnership for Health and Climate in collaboration with Best-ReMaP
Stakeholder forum in Denmark
March 10 2023.
Online Event organized by The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA)
Background and Objective
The event covered several topics, including the Best-ReMaP-project, which presented the methodology of an EU-harmonized monitoring system of reformulation of processed foods and the value of participating in a European harmonized monitoring system. The event also discussed food trends that change the market in relation to inflation affecting consumer choices, presented data from sales monitoring on food categories in Denmark, and facilitated group discussions about the underlying reasons for the development through reformulation and monitoring of foods.
The objectives of the event were to inform stakeholders about the Best-ReMaP-project, exchange experiences of various sectors, provide updates on future consumer trends, and inform stakeholders on how sales figures in different food groups have been developing over the past years. The event aimed to develop realistic initiatives and soft policies towards improving the healthy food choices for Danish consumers.
The discussions at the event revealed that sales in food categories have been changed and influenced by COVID-19, inflation, and energy crisis over the past few years. However, it was agreed upon that improving healthy food choices is still crucial and can be achieved through strategies such as reformulation, innovation, downsizing, and influencing consumer behavior through effective communication. Furthermore, valuable insights were shared among relevant stakeholders, which can be used by the Danish Food Partnership for Health and Climate to enhance public health initiatives.

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