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Best-ReMaP Joint Action Greece:
Lessons learned and future perspectives

Stakeholder Event in Greece

03.07.2023. Athens

Background and Objective

In a recent event organized by Best-ReMaP in Greece, participants were provided with a comprehensive overview of the Joint Action and its key objectives. The approach involved familiarising attendees with all work packages of the JA, ensuring they had a solid foundation in its scope and objectives. Following this general introduction, the event shifted its focus on topics like reformulation in Greece, marketing strategies, and public food procurement. Notably, the discussions also included the sharing of experiences and obstacles faced during the JA, offering valuable insights into the challenges and successes encountered in these crucial areas.


All participants concluded that it is crucial to enhance collaboration among the various sectors and stakeholders in Greece, particularly considering the shared objective of enhancing children’s nutrition in every initiative and public health policy.

The event’s significance was further highlighted by the comprehensive update on the outcomes of the Best-ReMaP JA, ensuring that all participants were well-informed about the progress made in domains such as reformulation, marketing, and public food procurement. What emerged as a key takeaway from the event was the successful cultivation of constructive dialogues among stakeholders, marking an essential milestone for future collaborations across diverse sectors. The core theme that resonated throughout these dialogues was the sustainability of the results achieved, reinforcing the importance of continued efforts and collaborative actions to further advance these critical objectives.

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