Food marketing to children.
Can it be regulated?
Stakeholder forum in Lithuania
October 20. 2022. Vilnius
Background and Objective
The event aimed to bring together stakeholders to provide general knowledge on the existing legal acts restricting the food marketing to children; the monitoring of the broadcasting of advertising of unhealthy food products; the principles of control; responsible institutions; children’s eating habits; activities of the BestReMap project promoting healthy children’s nutrition and its relationship with the food industry. The organizers were able to engage stakeholders from a wide range of related sectors: among others the Lithuanian Radio Commission, the Internet Media Association and the Food Industry Association were present and expressed their views on the current situation.
The topic of food marketing regulation is important, which requires cooperation, discussion, and decision-making by common agreement of all stakeholders in this area. The participants named food marketing a priority area as 70 % of food marketing reaches children through social media. As some advertising to children is targeted at parents, educating them about the negative effects of unhealthy food marketing is important. The promotion of healthy food advertising could also play a role in changing the current situation.

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